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The Scribbler

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This is where I am sharing my Scribbling Journey and other great stuff!

In his book “Only 10s”, Mark J Silverman says:

“You are never a victim. You always have a choice.”

Now while he was referring to prioritising our lives so that we know the difference between what Needs to be done from what Should be done, the principle applies to all areas of our lives.

Every single thing we do or say is based on a choice, there are no exceptions. The question is, will we choose to become Victims or Victors? The choice is ours.


The late Bob Proctor said:

“You and your results are the product of somebody else’s habitual thinking.”

He also said that our results are never as a consequence of events taking place beyond our minds but are down to events taking place inside our heads, they are an external expression of how our minds have been conditioned.

“Your behaviour is causing your results” he said, “your conditioning is coming from your behavior.”

By accepting responsibility for our results, it helps us make the right decisions leading to the right actions to gain the right results.

Alter conditioning within subconscious mind which is both genetic and environmental.

“The ability to choose is your greatest power.” (Bob Proctor)


I’m Right and You’re Wrong

So, are you right? Am I right? Who’s right and who’s wrong? The answer is no-one is right or wrong. Now I’m sure that will be a bit of a shock for some of you but the fact is for anything there is no right or wrong way. There is, however, always a better way, no matter what.

For example, if I was to say that my method for controlling your thoughts and achieving your goals is the right way, the right and, therefore, only way I would be discounting all other possibilities and calling them wrong and, I wouldn’t be making allowances for future discoveries. Do I have the right to do that?

If, on the other hand, I said my method is a better way, then I would be acknowledging all other methods and suggesting mine as an improvement. It also leaves the way open for someone else to make improvements on my method. That’s how evolution works. There is no definitive Right way, only a Better, improved way.

You can say something in correct or incorrect, is that not the same? No, not exactly.

For example, when you learn to drive a car every driving instructor has what they perceive to be the correct way to drive – mirror, indicate, manoeuvre, mirror or indicate, mirror, manoeuvre, mirror and so on. Every country also has regulations regulating what they consider to be the correct way to drive within their borders and the etiquette to follow. These are correct but can change.

At one time, back in the early days of motoring it was correct to stick your arm out to indicate that you were about to turn left or right. With the advancement of technology that has changed and all we need to do is move a lever on our steering columns – although it would appear many have forgotten how to use it!

However, the correct and only way to drive a vehicle to is to keep it safely on the road in the direction you’re travelling in and use the correct etiquette for the time and country you’re driving in.

The point I'm making is this: To say something is right is to say that you ‘Have’ to do it that way. As Bob Proctor said, “you don’t have to do anything, it’s a choice.” 

Wait a minute, says you, what about breathing? You Have to breathe, don’t you? Actually no, you can choose not to. Obviously that wouldn’t be very beneficial and would cause extreme discomfort, but it would be your choice.

Everything is a choice. 🙂


Jeremy R Scott


Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?

Why you are, of course!

Hi Guys, hope you are all doing well and have had another great week. In this post I'm sharing a simple and yet very powerful exercise to help you boost your Self-Esteem and lay the foundation for an excellent relationship with your Ego. The Mirror Exercise isn't my creation, in fact I no longer remember where I got it from because I've had it, and be using it, for years! This is in my book The Happiness Secret which I wrote in 2018 and I'm including it, along with some extra information regarding the Ego, in my new book Embrace Your Ego (working title). Enjoy!

I AM – these two words have been stated as being the two most powerful words we can utter. The reason being everything else that comes after them will affect your present and your future either positively or negatively.

I AM at the start of a sentence denotes either a change or an affirmation is on the way.

E.G. the statement “I am always doing that” is often heard when someone makes a mistake, says or does something wrong and so on. That is an affirmation because you are affirming something which you have programmed your subconscious to accept. “I am enjoying (my life, day, food)” is also an affirmation, but of a more positive nature. We should, therefore, be careful what we say after I AM.


There are two more words which are every bit as powerful as I AM for what comes after them will determine how you react, what action you will take or how you feel. Those two words are YOU ARE.

Mostly YOU AREs will be directed to you by a third party; someone says them to you, you read them in a personal text or email: “You are stupid!” “You are sexy.” “You are a prat!” “You are a legend!” and so on.

Depending on who says them and in what vein will determine what you do, say or feel next – again either positively or negatively. E.G. “You are worthless” will make you feel just that or you will react with anger to deny it. Whereas “You are sexy” will probably make you feel good and you will most likely agree!

Being told “You are never going to amount to much” will weigh on our minds, subconsciously, especially if repeated often and that can last a lifetime and we can either strive to prove that statement wrong or affirm it. Most affirm it and their Self Esteem stays at a constantly low level. Such statements have a debilitating effect on our lives and go a long way to prevent us from achieving much from life.“You’ll never amount to much” becomes “I can’t do that, I AM not good enough”.

That’s how powerful YOU ARE is when it comes from someone else, but what if it comes from you? Will it have the same kind of effect or will our subconscious minds be able to differentiate the difference?

Well, try it and find out! Stand, or sit, in front of a mirror and say out loud to yourself:

You are stupid!

You are useless!

You are a numpty!

You are fat!

How does that make you feel? I’m betting not very good and maybe even a bit angry.

Now tell yourself:

You are successful in everything you do.

You are fantastic!

You are healthy in every way.

Now how does that make you feel? Better? I bet it does!

What you are doing is the same as when you use I AM – you are programming your Ego or subconscious mind, into believing those statements, whether negative or positive. Your Ego doesn’t know the difference between right or wrong, lie or truth – it just accepts everything as truth and acts accordingly. If you programme it with negative crap that’s how you will think and act. Vice versa if you programme your Ego/subconscious with positive affirmations you will certainly feel the benefit of that. But that’s not all.

The Law of Attraction states that what you think of most is what you will attract. Therefore, if all you think about is soap opera style negativity, then that’s exactly what you will attract and experience. If, however, you are programming your Ego/subconscious with positive I AMs and YOU AREs you will overcome those negative thoughts and attract more positive influences into your life physically, spiritually or materially – possibly all three!

“You are what you think about all day long.” says Napoleon Hill in his book Think and Grow Rich and that is so true.

E.G. if you are constantly telling yourself that you are a substance abuser then eventually that’s what you’ll be. If you tell yourself that you’re highly successful then that’s what you’ll become. It’s the actions that follow these thoughts, of course, which lead to the conclusion of the original I AM or YOU ARE.

There is more to it than just saying I AM or YOU ARE, you need to create the behaviours and habits to make your I AMs and YOU AREs a reality, but it all starts with the original thoughts. Successful people in all walks of life know and employ this as part of their daily routines.

YOU ARE, therefore, is as powerful as I AM. A bit more work is involved, though, because you have to filter out the negative YOU AREs thrust upon you by others, or yourself.

Mirror Talk Exercise

Try this exercise for 30 days and notice the changes in your thinking, acting and feeling. How has it affected your circumstances?

Every morning and evening stand/sit in front of a mirror and look yourself in the eyes whilst telling yourself (preferably out loud) how good you are with statements such as:

You are loved.

You are successful in all areas of your life.

You are always positive.

You are enjoying an abundance of health and wealth.

Make up your own but make them as specific to you and what you want to achieve as you can and keep them in the present tense. You could also reinforce them with a few positive I AMs/ YOU AREs throughout the day. Your Ego will thank you for it as you start to give it the positive recognition it deserves.


Remember, you are what you are meant to be and what you are meant to be is better in every way.  





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Updated: Jan 5

Reiki Precept: Do not Anger
Hi Guys,

This is an excerpt from my Book and, now we're into the New Year and Fresh Starts, I'll be posting new Content weekly so please Subscribe to The Scribbler Blog and get all the Fresh Goodies straight to your Inbox. Also, by way of a Thank You, you'll receive a FREE PDF copy of my first book: The Happiness Secret, Precepts for Inner Peace & Tranquility.

Now enjoy this week's Treat! 😀

I think it was back in the 1960's and 70's, possibly into the early 80's, when a number of adverts were shown on TV advising us how to drive correctly and safely in order to cut down the numbers of traffic accidents and deaths. They were cartoons and sometimes depicted a well-mannered gent, maybe in his 30's, married with two kids. I don’t recall his name, but let’s call him Harry.

One cartoon would show Harry waking up and then getting ready to leave for the office where he worked. He would be all happy and smiling, obviously had a brilliant relationship with his wife and kids and, after giving them all the obligatory kiss, would cheerily wave goodbye, say a hearty good morning to his neighbour (we’ll call him Fred) and get in his car. That’s when things took a dark turn.

As soon as he got behind the wheel Harry would change. He would go all red in the face and sprout horns and become a raging monster, weaving in and out of traffic, shouting and screaming at other drivers, blasting the car horn continuously as he cut everyone up all the way to his workplace. Once he got back out of the car he was Mr. Happy Harry again, perfectly normal, polite and pleasant.

Does that sound familiar? I call it the Soap Opera Syndrome where one minute everyone is having a fab time and the next, they’re at each other’s throats. Sadly, some of us are more like Harry than we would care to admit, not just in our driving habits but also in everyday life.

Speaking from personal experience I’ve gone through several laptops over the years because of losing it when the infernal machines doesn’t do what they’re supposed to or when the Internet fails in the middle of a download or during streaming and so on. Who’s with me here because I know I’m not the only one?

Anger can feel like the only option sometimes, yet it is such a destructive force that only causes misery and pain, not only to those it’s directed at but also those who are directing the anger as it very often leads to remorse, guilt, and shame. Expressing anger towards someone rarely achieves anything good, in fact it’s usually the opposite, however that doesn’t mean nothing can be done about it. You can break that cycle, that automatic response, and replace it with another, healthier and safer option. Think of Anger as a virus in your computer program, it can be eradicated simply by scanning and cleaning the existing program with Anti-Virus software. Reiki could be viewed as such a software.
So why do we suddenly flip out for no good reason? Why do we react in such a way when we know fine rightly that it isn’t good?

Mind UK, define anger as:
 “… a natural response to feeling attacked, deceived, frustrated or
treated unfairly.” (How to deal with anger, published 2016)
There may be different reasons why we get triggered and become angry, usually it’s because something doesn’t meet the expectations we’ve set and that includes those we set ourselves. One thing to always keep in mind, there is never any excuse for displaying anger because it’s a conscious choice, it’s something we have developed as an automatic response to certain situations.

Anger is a very intense emotion, and many believe it’s also linked to fear, feeling threatened, being hurt or disappointed and is linked to our ‘Fight or Flight’ mechanism which protects us in times of danger. Back in the early days of us humans we had to react quickly to danger, whether from wild beasts or other tribes, as it meant life or death. We still have those instincts within us, even though we generally don’t need them as much.

There have been literally thousands, possibly tens of thousands, of studies into anger and why we get triggered. We are humans, we have feelings, we have emotions and it is ok to express them. The only prerequisite is – keep control!

I believe Anger Triggers can be caused by various things such as past experiences, learned behaviour – i.e. we saw our parents react to certain situations with anger and we learn to do the same - and frustration caused by the inability to solve problems. We also handle anger in different ways so there’s no set expression. Some of us will use verbal or physical lashing out, others will go and sulk, still others will become bullies. Research also suggests that depression can also be an expression, or even a result of, of anger.
Unnecessary anger, flying off the handle at some silly little things of no consequence, isn’t good for your well-being or health. The same studies also agree that anger can lead to stress, high blood pressure, coronary issues, substance and alcohol abuse and more. 
Not all anger is bad. Anger can be, and has been, used as a motivator. I know of many in sports or business who used their anger to motivate them to do whatever it took to become successful. Others, such as Emily Pankhurst and Martin Luther King, used their anger to bring about needed reform. So, it’s not just the anger, it’s what we do when we are angry that matters, what path we choose to take.
What to do
We’re a reactionary bunch when all is said and done. Sometimes we open our mouths before we engage our brains and then regret it afterwards. I know I have, many times. Accuse me of doing something I know I didn’t do and I would be triggered, reacting defensively in an aggressive way instead of keeping my cool. Lost several jobs and promotions because of that.

There are several suggestions which appear to help, the most common one being to take a deep breath and count to ten. That works for me on most occasions. At other times, though, it’s useful if you can take a mental step back and review the situation in a calm, objective way. Doing this automatically helps you to get back under control.

In his Shoden (Reiki level 1) training manual, Taggart King says that:
 “…living your life fully engaged in the moment means existing in a state where anger and fear do not exist. All is an illusion and fear is a distraction.”
And in her book, “Self-Healing With Reiki”, Penelope Quest says:
 "The next time you feel angry just pause for a moment and ask yourself “Why? What is going on? Is this a replay of something that’s happened over and over again? Are you angry at the thing you think you’re angry about – such as a partner’s insulting comment in front of your friends – or is there something deeper going on, such as general dissatisfaction with your relationship?"
By asking such like questions of yourself you dive deeper and start to uncover the real triggers, the real causes of your anger and that’s when you can start that healing process and choose Just for Today – Not to be Angry.
In my upcoming book, Embrace Your Ego (working title). I share a meditation which will help you develop both an understanding of yourself and how to unconditional forgive yourself and others which you can also use to gain more control over, or even eradicate, those Anger Triggers one by one.
Mikao Usui’s Reiki Precept ‘Do not anger’ is, therefore, not an instruction to do away with anger entirely but to keep it under control to minimize unnecessary outbursts which can be detrimental to our health and general well-being.
Sending You Love and Healing,


Jeremy R Scott


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