As an Intuitive Reader I use Psy Cards as an alternative to Tarot however they’re very much different in their style and use.
Psychology Cards, to give them their full title, are influenced by the teachings of the famous Psychoanalyst Karl Jung and are often used in Psychology practices to connect with the Subconscious.
Single Question Reading
Each Reading can take up to 60 Minutes and usually deals with a specific Question you are seeking an answer to in a particular area of your Life.
Psy-Card Readings
This Reading provides an In Depth look at how the next 12 months is likely to affect your Life and covers the following areas:
Previous Year Summary
Lessons You've Learned
Your Hopes and Goals
Your Motivation
Your Challenges
Your Relationships and Emotions
Your Career and Finances
Your General Health and Wellbeing
Your Spiritual Energy and Fulfillment
Where You Need to Focus
Your Most Important Lesson to Learn
Your Overall Direction
Book Today to get yourself well and truly prepared for the next 12 months.